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Lassin löydät myös #mimmitkoodaa Slackista Laurean omalta kanavalta jossa voit esittää Lassille kysymyksiä vaikkapa pilvestä sekä Laurean koulutuksista.
Why is cloud so important and what skills do I need to work with cloud technology?
Find out how cloud technology is transforming businesses and industries from first-hand experience. Get a deep-dive into why cloud is so important, how companies are responding to these needs in practice and what skills are needed to become a part of today’s and tomorrow’s cloud transformation movement.
Jonna has a Master of Science in Information Technology. She has been a part of the ICT field as a consultant and also in management positions for more than 20 years, the last 9 of which have been at Accenture. Her career has included coding, cyber security, service management and infrastructure development. In recent years, she has been focused on helping clients implement major IT transformation projects, with a special emphasis on taking advantage of cloud services.
Anna holds Master’s Degrees in both Computer Science and Economics. She has been working for 10 years across different roles in software development, large enterprise IT and consulting. Anna is very customer centric and enjoys optimizing the overall value enabled by latest technology and solutions. Over the past several years she has been focusing on managing cloud transformation, migration and cost optimization projects within Accenture’s Intelligent Cloud & Infrastructure unit.