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Webinar: Navigating technical interviews

· Materiaalit · Webinaari

Technical interviews can be a rollercoaster for a developer, but with a little preparation and some confidence, you can turn the stress dial down a notch.

This recording will focus on universal tech interview topics that help you regardless of the tools and languages you happen to know. These include:

  • How to prepare yourself in advance.
  • Answering tricky questions.
  • Handling a possible live-coding session or a home task presentation.

The recording is hosted from a web developer perspective, but everyone can benefit from boosting their confidence and picking up some tools to better succeed in technical interviews.

You can also read the content in Rakettitiede’s blog, just click the topic: Navigating technical interviews: a software developer’s guide to success.


Viktoriia Kuznietsova | Rocket Scientist | Rakettitiede.
Viktoriia is a Senior Software Developer, who specializes in web. She has experience both from product companies and from consulting. She has been participating in technical interviews at Rakettitiede but also served as a help to validate new joiners on the client side. Viktoriia’s latest venture is diving more deeply into product ownership.

Marko Saaresto | Co-Founder | Rakettitiede.
Marko is one of the founders of Rakettitiede and an interview veteran of hundreds of encounters from both sides. With +25 years in IT he is currently busy supporting sales, competence development, recruitment, and enforcing general happiness at Rakettitiede.


Note! In the first part, there is a technical problem with the microphone of the other speaker. We’re sorry about this. It will be solved in section 19:30. Please click the CC button to have captions on, those are made with YouTube’s own automatic tech.



In this event there are no sharable materials.


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