Webinar: Power of Community – Experience sharing
· Materiaalit · Webinaari
Community of Practice (CoP) continues to be interesting and challenging topic among people working in large-scale development organizations. I got familiar with this concept end 2009 for the first time. After discussing the topic couple of times both in public conferences and in company internal meetings I have just recently realized this is not after all an obvious practice in all organizations.
What makes it then so challenging and what community of practice is all about? I will describe my view and describe also some characteristics for a good CoP to avoid bad CoPs.
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Coach: Minna Hallikainen, Ericsson
Minna Hallikainen is a leader and a change driver at Ericsson R&D whose passion is to work with people. Minna practically walks the talk as leaders being also trainers and coaches. On top of the daily work Minna is a trainer in the Ericsson Product Development Leadership program worldwide training and coaching other leaders. Furthermore, she is a trainer in Ericsson internal intensive coaching program called E3 (Enabling, Empowering and Emotional). The aim is to create and keep up a culture which supports organizational change and empowers people to create movement to accelerate progress towards results and work in a community which is self-directing.
Throughout all the years at Ericsson when Minna has been working as IT designer, team leader, project manager and line manager training of people has been there in a way or another. Minna writes publications and discusses around lean-agile and community thinking. She has participated as speaker and workshop facilitator in several conferences.