SQL and relational database basics
SQL and relational database basics
Enroll here!
8.3.2023 17:00-20:00Event type: Workshop
Number of participants: 50
Location: Zoom / Online
Level: Beginner
Pre-work: Install pgAdmin, start the application and create a master password.
Language: English
Relational databases are very popular persistent data stores that are used almost everywhere. You can find them in all kinds of web applications, for example.
This workshop is a start on your database learning journey and doesn’t require any prior knowledge of databases. Having good database knowledge helps you to be an effective back-end developer or a good data engineer.
The workshop will consist of both theory and practice. You will get to practice querying an example database yourself, and for that we are using a popular relational database called PostgreSQL.
The language is English, but you can get assistance in Finnish too.
Install pgAdmin www.pgadmin.org/download/. Start the application and create a master password for yourself.
After workshop
The database can be used after this workshop on a cloud, and attendees can log in database server on their own time and use the workshop’s info in practice. The database can be used all over spring 2023.
NOTE! The number of participants in the event is limited. If you cannot attend the event, consider others and remember to cancel your participation. No show means that you can’t participate in #MimmitKoodaa following workshops for half a year.
With free events, we answer your questions and wishes. If you want to ask your questions to the speaker in advance, you can email them to info@mimmitkoodaa.fi with the subject ”Mimmit koodaa event”. The facilitators will take the questions into account when preparing.
You can also submit requests for new content or ask questions by email to info@mimmitkoodaa.fi.
Kyllä, haluan pysyä kuulolla!
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