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18.3.2022 12-13


Event type: Webinar

Location: Zoom

Level: Beginner

Bring your laptop: Yes

Language: English

Smartly.io logo.

Welcome to “Introduction to Typescript basics” presentation with Smartly.io.

Smartly.io’s automation platform helps brands drive greater ad performance across social channels. Please join our Lead Engineer Anna Osipova, to go through the basics of TypeScript, a language widely used at Smartly as well.

If you are familiar to JavaScript and not so familiar to TypeScript, would like to know more about it or just have the feeling you want to learn something new, this might be something for you. Especially, if you are looking to boost your productivity as a developer through the combination of static type checking with intelligent code completion provided by Typescript, this is a great webinar to get you started.

The session is held in English and is suitable for beginners. However, basic programming knowledge and JavaScript knowledge will help to understand the topic better.


With free events, we answer your questions and wishes. If you want to ask your questions to the speaker in advance, you can email them to info@mimmitkoodaa.fi with the subject “Mimmit koodaa event”. The facilitators will take the questions into account when preparing.

You can also submit requests for new content by e-mail to info@mimmitkoodaa.fi

Anna Osipova.

Anna Osipova

Lead Engineer

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