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Enroll here!

27.11.2021 9:00-16:00

Enroll here

Event type: Workshop

Number of participants: 25

Location: F2F session / Possible Teams

Address: Keilalahdentie 2-4 (Microsoft)

Level: Beginner

Pre-work: Existing Azure account and subscription or ability to create one. Recommend using Azure Free Account and creating the account 1-2 days before the workshop.

Bring your laptop: Yes

Language: English

Microsoft logo.

How to get started with Azure Machine Learning

This 1-day workshop targets to give the attendees basic knowledge about what Machine Learning is and how to get started with it. We will have short theory session about the topic and example use cases, after which we will work hands-on with Azure Machine Learning to train your Machine Learning models with no-code, low-code and code-first (python) approaches.

That’s right, you don’t necessarily need to code a line to train and evaluate a ML model, and to implement inference and scoring for your ML model!

Day’s agenda

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Introduction to Azure Machine Learning
  • Hands-on Labs


  • Own laptop
  • Existing Azure account and subscription or ability to create one (requires credit card or bank card for user verification). We recommend using Azure Free Account (Create Your Azure Free Account Today | Microsoft Azure) and creating the account 1-2 days before the workshop. Note that when creating the account, you will receive $200 (€168.66) credit for 30 days to your account that you want to save for the workshop.



Beginner – experience with Azure or other cloud is beneficial but not mandatory.


Materials and sessions are in English.


Keilalahdentie 2-4 (Microsoft) if COVID situation permits a F2F session. If not, we will conduct the workshop through Teams. In case we are able to arrange the workshop on Microsoft premises, Microsoft will provide lunch for attendees. Please, tell your special dietary in registration.


NB! The number of participants in the workshop is limited. If you cannot attend the workshop, be sure to consider others and remember to cancel your participation. No show means that you can’t participate in our following workshops for half a year.

Jonna Fred-Jokela.

Jonna Fred-Jokela

Cloud Solution Architect

Avaa lisätietoa henkilöstä
Helen Priisalu.

Helen Priisalu

Data Engineering and Machine Learning

Avaa lisätietoa henkilöstä

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