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Join to learn

23.11.–14.12.2023 17:30-19:30


Event type: Study Group

Number of participants: 15

Location: Oura Helsinki office

Address: Pohjoisesplanadi 35, 00100 Helsinki

Level: Intermediate

Pre-work: Installing Android Studio

Bring your laptop: Yes

Language: English

Oura logo.

Come study with us, and learn modern Android development with Jetpack Compose! During these meetings, you’ll learn about Android development and Kotlin, the language used in modern Android development.

Why learn Android development? There are about 3.1 billion users using Android last year, and the market share of Android apps is about 70% worldwide. Android is used as an operating system in many types of devices; for example, phones, tablets, wearable devices and cars use Android OS.

Course Material

During the span of meetings we will work through the Android Basics with Compose-course, and build Android applications and learn more about Android app development, Kotlin and Compose. After finishing with the course, you’ll have basic knowledge about Kotlin and Android development – as well as multiple Android apps.

During the meetings, we will talk about Kotlin and Android development and discuss the topics and questions you’ll have from course material. There will be some time to work on the excersises during the meetings, but we recommend that you’ll also work on the material between the sessions.

Meeting days

Every meeting is between 17:30-19:30, and the days are:

  • 21.9.2023,
  • 2.11.2023,
  • 23.11.2023, and
  • 14.12.2023.


It would be good to have some prior experience with programming in some language. No Kotlin or Android experience is required, but being familiar with programming in general is recommended. You don’t need to have professional experience with the language; studying it is enough.

You should have a laptop, in which you can install Android Studio. If you have an Android-phone, to be able to use it you should have also a USB-cable that can be connected to the computer.

Before the first meeting, you should install Android Studio. Instructions will be sent before the first meeting to all who have registered. You can check what Android Studio is via link below:

Android Studio


We will also have a Slack channel for asking questions and help between the meetings, and we recommend joining that! Instructions for joining, as well as for installing Android Studio, will follow after signup.

Main language will be English, but help in Finnish is also available.

We will provide some snacks and beverages according to registrations.

You’re warmly welcome to learn Android Development with Jetpack Compose with us!



NOTE! The number of participants in the event is limited, and registration is binding. If you cannot attend the event, consider others and remember to cancel your participation. No show means that you can’t participate in #MimmitKoodaa following workshops for half a year.

With free events, we answer your questions and wishes. If you want to ask your questions to the speaker in advance, you can email them to info@mimmitkoodaa.fi with the subject ”Mimmit koodaa event”. The facilitators will take the questions into account when preparing. You can also submit requests for new content or ask questions by email to info@mimmitkoodaa.fi.

Eeva-Jonna Panula.

Eeva-Jonna Panula

Senior Android Developer and Accessibility Specialist | Oura

Avaa lisätietoa henkilöstä
Marianne Sirén.

Marianne Sirén

Android Engineer | Oura

Avaa lisätietoa henkilöstä

Kyllä, haluan pysyä kuulolla!

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