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Diversiteetistä puhutaan jo paljon. Tämä ei kuitenkaan riitä. Vain aidosti inklusiivinen organisaatio missä jokainen voi olla oma itsensä takaa sen, että naiset viihtyvät ja menestyvät teknologiarooleissa.

Teknologiarooleissa työskentelevät naiset ovat kunnianhimoisia ja tavoittelevat johtotehtäviä. Kuitenkin monet kokevat menestyksen teknologiaroolissa vaikeaksi ja näkevät että yritykset epäonnistuvat ylenemismahdollisuuksien tarjoamisessa naisille. Myös palkka-asioissa koetaan edelleen epätasa-arvoa.

Mimmit Koodaa, Tekniikan Akateemiset, Women in Tech ja Accenture toteuttivat tutkimuksen, jossa melkein 800 naista kertoivat organisaationsa työkulttuurista ja kokemuksistaan. Accenturen Charlotta Harald ja Julia Ranta keskustelevat tutkimuksen tuloksista ja siitä mihin asioihin organisaatioiden erityisesti pitäisi keskittyä inklusiivisuuden parantamiseksi.

Puhuja: Charlotta Harald, Marketing and Comms. Lead, Accenture

Lotta is an experienced marketer and communicator, currently heading Accenture Finland’s marketing and communications. Before joining Accenture, she worked at KONE, leading global customer insight and marketing teams and as a management consultant focusing on CX. In her work at Accenture, Lotta is inspired by learning something new every day about all the great things that you can achieve with technology. Lotta strongly believes that leaders have a pivotal role in building a truly human and inclusive work culture where everyone can be themselves and thrive.

When not working, you will find her trying to keep up with her energetic 8-year-old boy, cooking, gardening, doing yoga, and spending time at her island summer house.

Puhuja: Julia Ranta, Application Development Analyst, Accenture

Julia works at Accenture Technology as an Application Development Analyst. In her work, she combines her business knowledge with technical and coding experience. As a future-oriented and creative woman in tech – Julia feels it is essential to remind everyone to stay bold and fearless and remember that you have the power to decide your path. She herself has had an interesting educational journey moving from the Arts to Information Technology. She is passionate about the possibilities of combining mental health and technology, and promoting mental wellness in work life.

In her free time, you can find Julia enjoying art, nature, reading, and meditation.


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