RPA summer challenge
The RPA summer challenge is meant to give an introduction to programming robotics and Robot Framework. The challenge is made possible by Knowit.
After the summer we have a virtual meeting in order to study the challenge solutions together, present a few alternative solutions and have a Q&A with Knowit specialists. This meeting will be held in Finnish on August 26th from 4pm to 6pm. Questions and answers will be published after the meeting in English.
Peer Support in Ompeluseura LevelUp Koodarit Slack. Ask invite link milja@mimmitkoodaa.fi
Challenge assignment
- Level 1
- Open a browser and go to https://www.foodie.fi/
- Find your favorite recipe or any recipe on the page
- Level 2
- Add the recipe to the shopping list
- Got to the shopping list
- Level 3
- Fetch items to shop from external file
- Add items to the shopping list
- See the contents of the shopping list
- Bonus – you can continue the task from any level in different directions, eg if level 3 feels tricky, consider what else you could do on the page
Tips for starting
- Knowit’s Robot Framework tutorials in YouTube (in Finnish only!)
- Robot Framework Tutorial 1 – Johdanto
- Robot Framework Tutorial 2 – Testiautomaatio
- Robot Framework Tutorial 3 – RPA
- Google is your friend, there is lot’s of videos about Robot Framework
- Get to know the keyword documentation, there are so many options what you can do (Python funktions)
- Libraries that are needed in this assigment (only Selenium needs to be installed)
- Guides
Some notes
- Syntax (grammar)
- Running the robot code
- Save your file with .robot file extension (my_foodie_robot.robot)
- Open command prompt (CMD)
- Go to the same folder where you saved your robot-file
- E.g. cd C:\Users\kayttaja\Documents
• After this you can run the code: robot my_foodie_robot.robot
• After the run is completed, Robot Framework forms log.html file where you are able to see how the run went and if something went wrong, you will find some guidance there
Tools and links
Tools to finding elements from the
web pages
• Developer tool (F12)
• Chrome
• devTools (F12)
• IE
• Developer tool (F12)