Webinar: Cybersecurity Fundamentals
· Materiaalit · Webinaari
In this session, Juha Saarinen will introduce you to the fundamentals of cybersecurity and how to protect your data and assets in the cloud, based on the Microsoft Skills for Jobs program.
You’ll get to know the main points of these themes:
- Shared Responsibility Model.
- Identity Concepts.
- Cybersecurity in Azure.
- Security Management in Azure.
- Microsoft Sentinel and 365 Defender.
- Azure AD.
- Q&A.
Review the course material from the Microsoft Skills for Cybersecurity Microdegree site (Course 3):
Juha Saarinen | Cloud Solution Architect | Microsoft.
Juha in his own words “As a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, I’m helping managed partners to build their security practices and solutions based on Microsoft’s security workloads from Azure to Microsoft 365 as well as the key partner programs on security.”
Learning circles
This session is part of the Microsoft x Mimmit koodaa Skills For Jobs Learning Circles. You can find the events of Microsoft x Mimmit koodaa below:
Read more about Microsoft Skills For Jobs below:
Mimmit koodaa (Women who code) program and its events are designed for women and individuals who identify as non-binary.
With free events, we answer your questions and wishes. If you want to ask the speaker your questions in advance, you can email them to info@mimmitkoodaa.fi with the subject ”Mimmit koodaa event”. The facilitators will take the questions into account when preparing.
You can also submit requests for new content or ask questions by email to info@mimmitkoodaa.fi.