The Official Watch Party, hosted by AWS
The Official Watch Party, hosted by AWS
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1.11.2024 8:45-15:00Event type: Watch Party
Number of participants: 100
Location: Epicenter, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Address: Mikonkatu 9, 00100 Helsinki
Language: English

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming event, celebrating and supporting women in tech and those interested in joining tech. This gathering offers a chance to connect, share experiences, and foster a supportive community.
Please note: This event is exclusively for women to ensure a comfortable and focused environment. Read more about Positive action in Finland.
A step towards building a stronger network
If you want to grow your network or see others in good spirits, come to an event offered by Amazon Web Service. You can come, go and be at the event entirely on your own schedule.
At the event, you’ll be able to check out the 1 November Virtual Event presentations on the big screen, as well as meet face-to-face with AWS employees and other peers interested in the event. Take the opportunity to meet new faces, discuss issues on your mind, share your experiences and grow your network at the same time.
The official language is English. A local AWS team will be present during the event, so conversations can also be in Finnish.
There is a separate registration for this event so that the caterer can accommodate allergens, diets or other essentials in the food served. Light snacks and lunch will be ordered according to registrations.
Come as you are and make the most of the day for the future!
On the first Friday of November, The Mimmit koodaa Teknologiapolkuja (Technology Pathways) Event focuses on personal knowledge, paths to tech and how to express skills that you already have. You can choose whether you want to enjoy the event with others or whether the online version is your thing – or both.
All Mimmit koodaa events are free of charge. The Mimmit koodaa programme and its events are designed for women and people of other genders.
Note! This event has a limited number of participants. If you are unable to attend on the day of the event: be sure to cancel your participation as early as possible, preferably several days in advance. No-shows will result in lost food, extra costs, and you will not be able to participate in future #MimmitKoodaa events for the next six months.
Kyllä, haluan pysyä kuulolla!
Liittymällä postituslistallemme saat ensimmäisenä tiedon tapahtumista ja muista julkaisuista. Mimmit koodaa -ohjelman sisältöjä tarjoavat Software Finland ry:n jäsenet ja kaikki tarjotaan mimmeille maksuttomasti.