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30.9.2022 12-13


Event type: Mixed webinar and workshop

Location: Zoom

Level: Beginner

Pre-work: Download and install the POSTman app and create a 46elks account.

Language: English

46 Elks logo.

You might have heard the word API before. But what does it mean? What is an API? When should you use one? And how do they work?

We will during this workshop cover what, when and how to use an API by actually using one. Along the way we will also mention a lot of terminology that might be new to some, and familiar to others. We will also be looking at some helpful resources that you could use afterwards to dive deeper in to the world of APIs.

In this workshop we will be making API calls both with and without code. So first we will test without code by using POSTman and then do the same thing with PHP code. When we code we will also be using a live server and Vim. Don’t worry, we do it all together 🥳


  • Download and install the POSTman app (you do not have to create an account on POSTman, it works fine with just the app).
  • Create a 46elks account.
  • A live server to run PHP on. You can send a SMS with your name to +46766865445 and you get an account on our workshop server.
  • A terminal/command line on your computer that you can use SSH and Vim on.

Why and when use APIs?

  • Open up access to data.
  • Automation.
  • Layer on top of complexity.


  • url
  • request
  • response
  • status codes
  • docs
  • GET & POST
  • Authentication
  • format (json, xml, other)
  • Open data
  • www-formurl-encoded
  • PHP
  • SSH
  • Using a live server on the terminal
  • Vim
  • Github

Be brave!

You’ll encounter terminology and abbreviations that make no sense, and that’s ok! You are in this workshop to learn and we’ll do this together. You are here to learn so please ask questions 👏🏼

Excited to get started?

Here you can find more information about what we will be doing during the workshop. Some words to look up if you are a curious person. 😍


With free events, we answer your questions and wishes. If you want to ask your questions to the speaker in advance, you can email them to info@mimmitkoodaa.fi with the subject “Mimmit koodaa event”. The facilitators will take the questions into account when preparing. You can also submit requests for new content by e-mail to info@mimmitkoodaa.fi

Carolina Säll.

Carolina J. Säll

Developer | 46elks

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