Diversity and gender balance is one of the corner stones and main objectives of Ericsson. We believe that diverse, inclusive teams drive performance and innovation, which is precisely what prompted Ericsson in Finland to begin the cooperation with #MimmitKoodaa.

At Ericsson, we strive to make learning a natural part of our daily lives by supporting and inspiring our people to find new opportunities for gaining and sharing knowledge. This, in fact, is the same drive behind the volunteers and organizers of the #MimmitKoodaa.

Participating in the program to share our professional knowledge gave us the opportunity to give back to society and represent the same culture we fostered at our company.


– What should every developer know about UX?

Why is user experience design important, and why should a developer care about it?

In this video series UX-experts from Ericsson Finland talk about what a developer should know about UX design.

Watch videos on the Mimmit koodaa YouTube!


– Security aspects in software development

Tässä videosarjassa asiantuntijat Suomen Ericssonilta kertovat ohjelmakehityksen tietoturvasta. Katso tarkemmin Mimmit koodaa YouTubesta!

In this video series experts from Ericsson Finland talk about security aspects in software development. Watch videos on the Mimmit koodaa YouTube!

All content except the intro is in English.

What should every developer know about UX?

In this video series, Salla Rantamäki and Kirsi Kalenius-Ruotsalainen talk about what a developer should know about UX design.

We go through the UX basics from a developer point of view: what the UX principles are, what methods to use, how UX designers usually work, and how to collaborate effectively to implement best possible solution.

Check out the episodes of the UX series

As a developer, why should I care about user experience?

In this first episode, Salla and Kirsi discuss why you as a developer should care about the user experience, UX.

How to take UX into account when starting to work on a new feature?

In this second episode, Salla and Kirsi discuss how to take UX into account when starting to work on a new feature.

How can I as a developer support UX designers in their work?

In this third episode, Salla and Kirsi discuss how you as a developer can support UX designers in their work.

What UX design skills or knowledge could help me as a developer?

In this fourth and last episode, Salla and Kirsi discuss what UX design skills or knowledge could help you as a developer.

Mitä on tietoturva kun #MimmitKoodaa?

Tämä video on ensimmäinen osa Ericssonin Mimmit koodaa yhteisölle luomasta videosarjasta jossa käsitellään tietoturvaa.

Sarjan ensimmäisessä osassa Salla Rantamäki ja Jussi Auvinen kertovat yleisellä tasolla, miten tietoturva liittyy ohjelmistokehitykseen softatuotteen elinkaaren aikana.

Esityksen sisältö:
– Koulutus
– Vaatimustenhallinta ja uhkamallinnus
– Suunnittelu
– Turvallinen ohjelmointi
– Testaus ja todentaminen
– Käyttöönotto ja ylläpito

Check out the episodes of the security aspects series

Threat Modeling

Heikki Mäki talks about threat modeling; how to recognize the security flaws. He explains what threat modeling is, why you should do it, and how to do it. Maybe you didn’t know, but most of us are already doing threat modeling in our daily lives!

Security architecture

Patrik Teppo talks about security architecture principles. ICT systems, as well as buildings, cannot be built for long without proper design and architecture. In terms of security, there are a number of principles that are covered in this presentation, such as perimeter security model, defense in depth and zero trust architecture.

Secure Coding

Jussi Auvinen talks about secure coding; how to avoid security pitfalls when coding. He talks also about best practices, programming standards and different tools. In the end of the presentation Jussi gives a demo!

Vulnerability Assessment

Antti Kiuru talks about vulnerability assessments, in other words how to discover weaknesses in information systems. He goes through different methods and tools, such as web application scanners and network scanners, fuzz testing and how to automate testing.

Penetration Testing

Antti Kiuru talks about penetration testing, also known as a pen test. Penetration test is a simulated cyber attack against your ICT systems to check for exploitable vulnerabilities. He talks also about pen test tools, white box and black box testing, red teams, and the ethical code. Finally, Antti gives a few tips how to become a pen tester.

Vulnerability Management

Related to incident response, vulnerability management is discussed by Raquel Aguiar Santos and Sonny van Lingen. Today, most software consists of numerous open source and other third-party components. There may be vulnerabilities in all these components and, of course, in your own code. To keep your own software product secure, you need to keep track of vulnerabilities, make fixes, and publish updates on an ongoing basis.

Incident Response

Umair Bukhari talks about managing security incidents. Security incidents are happening all the time, and companies and software developers must constantly be prepared to respond to them to protect their own and their customers’ information from misuse. There must be a process and designated people in charge for managing security incidents for having prompt and planned operations in place.

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